Surah Maidah Ayat 35
Be mindful of your duty to allah and seek the way of approach unto him and strive in his way in order that ye may succeed.
Surah maidah ayat 35. Like the names of many other surahs this name has no special relation to the subject of the surah but has been used merely as a symbol to distinguish it from other surahs. This surah takes its name from verse 112 in which the word mai dah occurs. Sebuah perjuangan dalam men. Surat an nashr ayat 1 3.
Allâh azza wa jalla berfirman. Wahai orang orang yang beriman. Tafsir al maidah ayat 35 9 50 pm add comment 005 al maidah. 35 sufyan as sauri telah meriwayatkan dari talhah dari ata dari ibnu abbas bahwa yang dimaksud dengan al wasilah di sini ialah qurbah atau mendekatkan diri kepada allah swt.
Surat al ma idah verse 35 sahih international o you who have believed fear allah and seek the means of nearness to him and strive in his cause that you may succeed. Hal yang sama telah dikatakan oleh mujahid. Read and learn surah maidah 5 35 to get allah s blessings. Para pembaca semoga allah subhanallahu wa ta ala selalu mencurahkan rahmat dan hidayah nya kepada kita semua.
Dan berusahalah kalian untuk mendekatkan diri kepada nya dengan menunaikan apa yang dia perintahkan kepada kalian dan menjauhi apa yang dia larang. Bertakwalah kalian kepada allah dengan menjalankan perintah perintah nya dan menjauhi larangan larangan nya. Surat al ma idah verse 33 sahih international indeed the penalty for those who wage war against allah and his messenger and strive upon earth to cause corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. This surah has 120 verses and resides between pages 106 to 127 in the quran.
Surah maidah ayat 35 with english translation o ye who believe. ي ا أ ي ه ا ال ذ ين آم ن وا ات ق وا الل ه و اب ت غ وا إ ل ي ه ال و س يل ة و ج اه د وا ف ي س ب يل ه ل ع ل ك م ت ف ل ح ون. Surat al ma idah ayat 35.